Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Relieved from Leave

Hi Friends,

So, today is day 1 back from (a short, but well enjoyed) leave - and I have taken up my post at my everyday-soul-sucking corporate job once more...

A big thanks to The Drummer and The Mamma for making The Muppet and I feel most welcome in their beautiful new home on the South Coast. Love you guys, and miss you terribly!

Another big thanks goes out to Igor. A good friend and follower of this blog, he sent me some tips on keeping my blog current, fresh and intriguing enough to keep you all coming back for more... So, not to let his interest and concern go to waste, I've taken his advice to heart and will be adhering to it in future.

One of the tips I found most useful was one on the regularity of the posts. I've been trying to keep-up with the latest news and info from the world of music - but must admit that I have not been posting as often as I should. As example, I didn't post anything around the anniversary of the death of Kurt Cobain (April 8, 1994). Nor the death of a blues legend, and god-like guitarist, Gary Moore on February 6, 2011.
There is no-one to blame for this, save myself, and I endeavour to have more posts up, more often.

Also, if I may... Please feel free to submit news, happenings, insights and any other relevant tid-bits to me and I will gladly add it to The Lounge Critic for the world to see... (with a credit to your name, of course)

Stay tuned for my take on the Springbok Nude Girls and their dismal performance at U2, and the grim state of the SA rock-scene at the moment.

Thanks again for your continued support...

Keep Rocking


1 comment:

  1. I'm really glad to know you will be posting more regularly!
