Friday, January 14, 2011

An eclectic bunch...

So I've been alluding to this discussion I had with friends around Slipknot... But like I said, it would be of no use to share this with you if you did not have any insight as to whom I had the conversation with... So in the interest of good story-telling here is a 'Readers Digest' version of my personal review committee

Now these guys and girls are strongly opinionated, sometimes controversial, but I always take their views to heart - even if I don't always agree with them.

So without further ado, here follows a short introduction on each of these:

The Monger: Purist
The Monger is my house-mate. We live together in two very separate, very heterosexual bedrooms in the same house. Monger listens to the heavier side of metal. In my own words, I'll sum up his musical preferences as: "If it's not BRUTAL, it's not Metal!". Come to think of it, that's not entirely true... He'll listen to bands like Staind because of the depro themes and feel of the music & lyrics.

The Monger has one fatal draw-back... Because of his purist, "brutal is best" approach, he lacks the passion for the history of rock and metal. Bands like ACDC, Deep Purple, Metallica, and even modern bands like Greenday, The Offspring and Nirvana do not register on his radar. What this all comes down to is that The Monger is the guy to speak to if you want a brutality rating on a band.
          - Favourite Band: Disturbed

The Drummer: Our very own Thrasher!
A very interesting and colourful character. The Drummer is exactly that, a drummer. Now far be it from me to make dumb-drummer jokes, and I will refrain from doing so here. (Besides, The Drummer would certainly kick my ass if I did). Now, what makes his opinion invaluable in conversation is his feel for the beat. If the beat sucks, so does the song. I could phrase this view as simplistic, but I won’t. I’d much rather label it as a stripped down approach. Never mind the hype, the image or the theme of a band – The Drummer listens to the music. Isn’t that what it is all about when you really get down to it? His opinions on music, the actual notes on the paper, are spot-on (for the most part anyway). The Drummer has experience in the music world as he used to be a pro muso, signed to a major label. So all this combined makes him a perfect catalyst to formulate an informed opinion about a band’s music.
          - Favourite Band: Pantera

Vis: Schooled in subversive chaos.
An irreplaceable asset. Vis is the one who cannot be placed into a category box. Eccentric and wise, Vis will give you another perspective. A classically schooled muso, Vis plays piano. As far as his taste in music goes, he likes the virtuosic stuff most. Don’t get me wrong, Vis loves Metal as much as the next person, only difference is that you would NEVER say that judging by his physical appearance. By his own personal accounts, he has surprised many an unsuspecting victim with his musical tastes. Never the less, Vis will give you that one crucial thought that eluded you in your initial analysis, and more often than not, will change your perspective entirely. Thus, subtly, Vis will turn your opinions on their head and create chaos.
          - Favourite Band: System of a Down, Muse

The Mamma: Caring Goth-girl
A deep love for the music. The Mamma sings Korn and Marilyn Manson to her baby daughter as lullabies. I’m not sure if I’ll get wrapped on the fingers for calling her a “Goth Girl”, but I can’t find the words to better describe her. Musical discussions with The Mamma are always highly valued. She has the uncanny ability to answer questions like: “What is that song called?” or “Off which album is this?”. The Mamma has a keen knowledge about the music, the history of the band and the ‘feel’ of a specific album – details I often miss. And you have to give her praise for raising a youngster the right way, the Metal way. What an advantage it would have been for me if my parents were rockers...
          - Favourite Band – Marilyn Manson

Ok, so introductions over with, I can now tell you the story of the discussion... Actually... On second thought... Ill hold on to that story for just a little longer...

Check back soon for more on Slipknot, and the summary that will include the illusive conversation.


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